Saturday, July 3, 2010

New Fueless Electricity Generator

New Fueless Electricity Generator, first of its kind ever in Nigeria.
Brief explanation
1) This fueless generator works 24/7 without petrol,diesel,oil or grease.It is not solar,wind,no noise,no smoke and no charging like inverter.
2) It will power your refridgerator,Tv,pressing iron,boiling ring,ATM machines,microwave,street lights etc.
3) All the components for making it are readily available in any electrical stores in Nigeria.
4) It is very very cheap to build unlike solar etc.
Market Potentials and Opportunity for massive profits
1) It is simple to make,graduate or not.once you can handle a screw driver.
2) If you know how to make this fuelless generator GSM companies,Banks,your neighbours will go on their knees begging you to do it for them because they spend billions of Naira every year to power their base stations,ATM machines etc.
1)This fueless generator can be operated for hours at a time without the use of fuel.My job here is not to calculate for you the amount of money you can save on a daily basis by not using it to buy fuel because if I base my price on that,then I cannot sell it for less than 400,000 Naira.Ask some small business owners how much they spend on fuel and maintenance on a daily basis not to talk of big companies.
2)Environmentally friendly as it produces no noise(noiseless operation),No smoke.Infact,you can put it inside your room and your neighbours will be wondering how come you have light!.
3)Very low maintanance.
4)You can convert your existing generator into a fueless generator by replacing the engine with the electromechanical device.


1. It does not need or depend on fuel (petrol or diesel), solar energy or wind energy to function.
2. It preserves the safety of our immediate environment from noise and air pollution (it is noiseless & smokeless)
3. The six basic components needed to construct it are readily & easily available in the market. You wont need to go far to get them. We also deliver to them those that are far away even if you live in a remote village
4. You can build it to the capacity of the load you want it to carry: 950watts or between 2.5- 3KVA (THAT CARRIES YOUR FRIDGE AND SO ON)
5. It is smokeless, noiseless and pollution free
6. It wont require any mechanical service or maintenance for a very long time
7. It is free from current surge (electric shock)
8. It saves you over N250,000 every year – No buying of fuel, no maintenance, no service!
9. Very easy to construct/couple (you don’t have to be an engineer to couple the components together . Anybody with half a brain can do it and in less than 2 hours)
10. hence it’s self-dependent & self-charging (unlike inverters where you will still need LIGHT to charge the battery) and it's very safe to use.
11. It does not wear or tear, hence no maintenance cost!
12. It can work for as long as you want if properly maintained
13. It does not make as much noise as the Fuelled-generators; so it won't disturb your the people in your neighbourhood. The one am using is right in my room

Features of this information kit/package
1) It comes with a step-by-step practical video CD that explain in two simple languages (English and Yoruba) how anybody with half-a-brain can watch and do it himself/herself.The video explains everything from scratch in details on how to build the fuelless generator

2) It contains the phone and contact address of the places you can get all the components needed to construct the Generator yourself without stress ( even if you reside in a remote village).
3) it also contain the phone contacts & office addresses of specialist that can help you to build it at moderate price in case you are the busy type and wont have the time to buy the components and build it yourself. These are people that ordered for the information kit and are now into the business of building it for others!
4) We also give you support & assistance anytime you call us on phone in case you have any question during the process of coupling it yourself. (but i doubt you will have any question after reading the manual and watching the Video CD... it's just as simple as A,B,C)
5)It contains the actual types and sizes of components needed to construct it and exactly where to get them.
To purchase the fuelless generator contact below
To purchase the manual and the Video CD please see below
You can reach me via email or call +2348029702147,+2348063069231.

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